3rd June, 9pm: Otto Mötö on ORF 1


Martti Mauri’s infamous motor collage tracks soon on broadcast in Austria. The radio play comes along with congenial tracks (spectral lawnmowers, voice washing machines and atonal accidents) of his international composer friends, interviews and stupendous insights into the vanishing worlds of combustion engines.

Date & time of broadcast:
3rd Juni 2014, 9 pm

–> Official Info

Language: German

With: Frauke Poolman, Helmut Winkelmann, Sascha Nathan, Anke Oldewage (HR) Niina Braun-Lehtonen, Timo Valtonen, Ulrike Stöhring, Michaela Schimun, Teemu Tuonela, Vesa Vehilainen, Emil Karila, Juhani Seppovaara (raw audio recordings).

Compositions: Dirk HülsTrunk, Gabi Schaffner, Michaela Schimun, Martin Moritz, Jani Purhonen, Ovro, Tuomo Puranen, Pink Twins und Lauri Kivelä. Regie: die Autorin (HR 2012)

Initial idea: Martin Moritz
Dank an: Pit Schultz

The „Mötö“ project was realised with support of the Kone Foundation, Finland.


22. Mai 2014 von rawaudio
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